There is a thick, aromatic tomato and beef pasta sauce simmering on the stove and bread dough rising on the counter. I'm a blur in my floral (thrift-store) vintage apron, stirring, kneading, sweeping, and snatching up my toddler to keep him from trying to "help" me... again. Kids are busy and filling my home with noise and activity - one child playing her favorite song (for the 30th time today) on the piano, another child galloping around the living room and girls running back and forth as they prepare a tea party in the back yard.
My four year old rushes up to me, so excited: "Mommy, Mommy..." no response: "Mommy, come see!!!" he gushes, and pulls on my apron, getting right in my way as I'm scampering back and forth between oven and pantry and adding a "pinch of this and a dash of that" to the sauce on the stove.
"Honey," I sigh, lovingly yet hurried, "You have to wait! Mommy is busy making supper."
And he waits and waits... and my work is never quite completed and something always comes up: like the two year old, escaping from the house (again!), or some of the kids are fighting and I have to figure out how to deal with the bickering and teach them to be loving, patient and kind!
I do my best to take good care of my children... but I am not the best example of attentiveness on planet earth. And tonight, I had a rare chance - without children tugging on my jeans and clamoring for my attention - to enjoy a worship service at my church. I was basking in the love and kindness of God and it occurred to me that although he has a planet-full of people to attend to, He never says "I'm busy right now... You'll have to wait for my attention." God is supernatural... He is God.... and His attention never wanes and He does not grow weary with our requests. Ps. 55:17 in the Message says: "At dusk, dawn, and noon I sigh deep sighs - he hears, he rescues." and Psalm 34:15 (NIV) says:
I take heart in a God who is not limited by human nature and abilities. He isn't worn out, too busy or too stressed out to listen to me - whether I'm asking for help or simply rejoicing and giving thanks. I can only hope that as I experience and absorb the goodness and character of God, that I will display more of His attributes as I care for the little lives with whom He has entrusted me.
My four year old rushes up to me, so excited: "Mommy, Mommy..." no response: "Mommy, come see!!!" he gushes, and pulls on my apron, getting right in my way as I'm scampering back and forth between oven and pantry and adding a "pinch of this and a dash of that" to the sauce on the stove.
"Honey," I sigh, lovingly yet hurried, "You have to wait! Mommy is busy making supper."
And he waits and waits... and my work is never quite completed and something always comes up: like the two year old, escaping from the house (again!), or some of the kids are fighting and I have to figure out how to deal with the bickering and teach them to be loving, patient and kind!
I do my best to take good care of my children... but I am not the best example of attentiveness on planet earth. And tonight, I had a rare chance - without children tugging on my jeans and clamoring for my attention - to enjoy a worship service at my church. I was basking in the love and kindness of God and it occurred to me that although he has a planet-full of people to attend to, He never says "I'm busy right now... You'll have to wait for my attention." God is supernatural... He is God.... and His attention never wanes and He does not grow weary with our requests. Ps. 55:17 in the Message says: "At dusk, dawn, and noon I sigh deep sighs - he hears, he rescues." and Psalm 34:15 (NIV) says:
"The eyes of the LORD are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their cry".